Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What size deals do you look for?

We analyze properties in terms of number of doors as well as revenue. Generally speaking, we look for properties with annual revenues of $1 million and up. However, we will consider smaller properties if we identify one with a large upside.

Do you invest in yield play or value play?

It depends! We prefer value plays, but they are increasingly difficult to find, so we focus on stabilized properties with value add – also known as Hybrid play. Our investment strategy is focused around equity capture and value growth rather than cash-flow, so if you are counting on immediate cash-flow, talk to us first. But if we locate an asset that will be great cash-flow generator, then we will not say no!

What locations are you looking to purchase in?

Currently we are actively looking in Arizona and Texas. If you know someone who wants to sell in any area in US, you can send us an email at

How do we find out about the deals you are working on?

Sign up for our distribution list by Clicking Here or on the “Distribution List” link at the top of our home page to be informed when we have something ready to fund

What is the minimum investment amount?

It depends on the deal. The lowest investment allowed could be as low as $25,000. However, more commonly, we see $50,000 for deals under $5MM, and $100,000 or more for larger deals.

I signed up for your mailing list and got the confirmation page. But I haven't gotten any updates from you. What is going on?

Check your spam folder for an e-mail from NextGen Investments and add us to your contact list. If you didn’t get the confirmation e-mail, you will not get the updates!

Do you accept out of state investors?


What is your exit strategy?

We do our best to define the exit plans based on the deal at the time of investments. However, implementation will be based on market conditions, interest rates or other unforeseeable circumstances. Therefore, you should plan for a long-term investment for a period of up to 10 years for Yield play, 2-4 years for Value play and in between for Hybrid play.

What are your expectations from passive investors?

During acquisition, we ask that you respond in a timely manner, especially with regards to getting the paperwork and funds returned in time. Apart from that, we do expect a positive attitude and passion for fun!

Do you provide third-party property management services?


Do you accept IRA investments?

Unfortunately, we do not accept IRA investments. We have found the additional time and effort required working with custodians during crucial acquisition time distracts us from focusing on the many activities we have to juggle

I have a question that was not listed in FAQ. What do I do?

Send us an email at